Cosmetic Dentistry

At Eric W Bohl DDS, my job is to care for your teeth. The goal is to enhance your smile for functionality and beauty because healthy teeth result in a radiant smile. To improve the health and appearance of your teeth, schedule a free consultation with me for cosmetic dental treatments in Streamwood, IL.

For the most part, dental treatments serve multiple purposes: They provide treatment that takes care of problems, and they offer preventive care to avoid problems. The result is a gorgeous smile that shows off healthy teeth and gums. Treatment also serves to correct flaws.

At my dental clinic, I provide my patients with a wide range of cosmetic treatments for a healthy and happy smile. Feel confident about the quality of my workmanship for I am a perfectionist who plays close attention to detail. Choose from the following services:


  • Teeth Whitening—Getting a whiter and brighter smile is easy and pain-free when you come to me for service. Schedule an in-office session. I apply a whitening solution to plastic trays, which fit over your teeth. You relax in a comfortable chair while an ultraviolet light shines on your smile to activate the solution. After just one short visit, your smile is noticeably brighter, up to several times whiter than when you walked in the door.


  • Porcelain Veneers—Correct flaws on your teeth with veneers. These are ultra-thin shells that fit over the top of your teeth, covering up the imperfection. Veneers are used for teeth that have chips, discoloration, irregular shapes, or gaps.


  • Dental Bonding—With this procedure, I apply resin to a tooth to mask a flaw. Bonding works well for teeth that are decayed, chipped, cracked, discolored, or spaced too far apart. During treatment, the bonding material is placed on the tooth and hardened with an ultraviolet


  • Inlays & Onlays—In dentist speak, inlays and onlays are indirect fillings. I choose one of these options for my patients to restore tooth structure lost to decay or damage. These fillings are made in a dental lab and then cemented to the surface of the tooth, strengthening it, while improving form and function.


  • Clear Braces—I want you to have straight teeth that give your smile beauty and protection—protection because it’s easier to clean teeth that are straight, which prevents tooth decay and gum disease. Ask about ClearCorrect plastic aligners to move your teeth quickly and comfortably into shape.


Contact me today for a free consultation about cosmetic treatments to brighten your smile. I proudly serve patients at my Streamwood, Illinois, clinic.